
The Getinge Maquet Servo-s ventilator features a wide range of ventilation modes that can be tailored to specific clinical situations. The Servo-s has a large intuitive user-interface that provides valuable decision-support information. This Maquet ventilator has been designed for both shelf mounting and in-hospital transport with a mobile cart. It supports invasive and non-invasive ventilation with leakage compensation for non-invasive ventilation modes for all patient types.

  • Invasive and non-invasive ventilation with leakage compensation.
  • User friendly user-interface.
  • Rotary dial and direct access knobs for navigation.
  • Designed for shelf mounting or intrahospital transport with a mobile cart.
  • Quick inspiratory flow controller allows for reduced work of patient breathing.


  • Height: 20.5” (52 cm)
  • Width: 15” (38 cm)
  • Depth: 11.8” (30 cm)
  • Weight: 44 lbs (20 kg)
Parameter Settings
  • Inspiratory tidal volume (ml): 100–2000
  • Inspiratory minute volume (l/min): 0.5–60
  • Apnea, time to alarm (s): 15–45
  • PC/PS above PEEP (cmH2O): 0–(120 – PEEP)
  • PC/PS above PEEP in NIV (cmH2O): 0–(62 – PEEP)
  • PEEP (cmH2O): 0–50
  • PEEP in NIV (cmH2O): 2–20
  • CMV frequency (breaths/min): 4–100
  • SIMV frequency (breaths/min): 1–60
  • Breath cycle time, SIMV (s): 1–15
  • PHigh (cmH20): (PEEP + 1)–50
  • THigh (s): 0.2–30
  • TPEEP (s): 0.1–10
  • O2 concentration (%): 21–100
  • I:E ratio: 1:10–4:1
  • TInsp (s): 0.1–5
  • TPause (% of breath cycle time): 0–30
  • Flow trigger sensitivity level: 0–10
  • Press. trigg sensitivity (cmH2O): -20–0
  • Insp. rise time (% of breath cycle time): 0–20
  • Insp. rise time (s): 0–0.4
  • End inspiration (% of peak flow): 1–70
  • End inspiration in NIV (% of peak flow): 10–70
  • Oxygen Breaths: 100% for 1 minute
  • Start Breath: Initiation of 1 breath (In SIMV mode initiation of 1 mandatory breath)
  • Pause Hold: Insp. or exp (0–30 seconds)
  • Type: TFT-LCD module
  • Size: 12.1” (31 cm) diagonal
  • Viewing area: 9.7” x 7.3” (24.6 x 18.5 cm)
Backup Parameter Settings
  • Inspiratory Tidal Volume (ml): 100–2000
  • PC Above PEEP (cmH2O): 5–(120 – PEEP)
  • PC above PEEP in NIV (cmH2 O): 5–(62 – PEEP)
  • CMV frequency (breaths/min): 4–100
  • I:E ratio: 1:10–4:1
  • TInsp (s): 0.1–5
  • Power Supply, Automatic Range Selection: 100–120 V AC ±10%, 50–60 Hz, or 220–240 V AC ±10%, 50–60 Hz
  • External 12 V DC: 12.0 V–15.0 V DC, 10 A
  • Battery Capacity: 2 rechargeable battery modules 12 V, 5 A, 3.5 Ah each
  • Battery Backup Time: At least 1 h with 2 fully charged batteries
  • Battery Recharge Time: Approximately 3h/battery
  • Max Power Consumption: At 100–120 V: 2 A, 190 VA, 140 W; At 220–240 V: 1 A, 190 VA, 140 W
Controlled Invasive Ventilation
  • PC (Pressure Control)
  • VC (Volume Control)
  • PRVC (Pressure Regulated Volume Control)
  • Can be configured with alternative flow patterns: VC with flow ada ptation; VC without flow adaptation; VC with decelerating flow
Supported Invasive Ventilation
  • PS/CPAP (Pressure Support / Continuous Positive Airway Pressure)
Combined Invasive Ventilation
  • SIMV (PC) + PS (Synchronized Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation)
  • SIMV (VC) + PS
  • SIMV (PRVC) + PS
  • Bi-Vent/APRV (Airway Pressure Release Ventilation)
Non Invasive Ventilation
  • Leakage Compensation Level: Inspiratory, up to 200 l/min; Expiratory, up to 65 l/ min
  • Leakage Overrange Detection: Automatic
  • Disconnect Detection: Automatic
  • Disconnect flow: Low; High; Disabled; Configurable 7.5 l/min; 40 l/min;
  • Deactivates disconnect detection
  • Connect Detection: Manual, or automatic via bias flow